Start | Duration | Title | Speaker |
8:30 | 0:30 | Welcome | |
9:00 | 0:15 | Opening | |
9:15 | 0:35 | Beyond Code Smells | Tim Bezhashvyly |
9:50 | 0:35 | We Love LoAF (& INP) | Karlijn Löwik & Erwin Hofman |
10:25 | 0:30 | Coffee | |
10:55 | 0:35 | Varnish xKey + Magento | Toon Van Dooren |
11:30 | 0:35 | Magewire 3 | Willem Poortman |
12:05 | 0:15 | ⚡ Developer Happiness Management | Oskars Tuns |
12:20 | 0:45 | Lunch | |
13:05 | 0:15 | ⚡ Quiz | |
13:20 | 0:35 | Rapid code development in Magento | Jisse Reitsma |
13:55 | 0:35 | Lessons learned from integrating PSPs into the Hyvä Checkout | Michiel Gerritsen |
14:30 | 0:35 | The weird manager | Haimanti Dekker |
15:05 | 0:30 | Coffee | |
15:35 | 0:15 | ⚡ Navigating Your Career as a Senior Developer: Personal Insights and Lessons Learned | Andreas von Studnitz |
15:50 | 0:35 | How to not Hurt People with Software | John O'Rourke |
16:25 | 0:15 | ⚡ Rebuilding a community - what we can learn from the success of Mage-OS NL | Sanne Bolkenstein |
16:40 | 0:15 | Closing remarks | |
16:55 | 3:00 | After Party - Sponsored xCore & RUMvision | |
19:55 | Optional dinner in city centre |